Monday, January 28, 2013

Being Stupid is Unforgiveable

With today’s technology to be stupid just means you are lazy. Why do I say that?  I recently read that anyone who reads 2 books on a particular subject knows more on that subject then 95% of the worlds population. Wow 2 books and I am an expert! Don’t get me wrong your not a Malcolm Gladwell “Outlier” but indeed quite knowledgeable on a given subject.

Let me make it even easier for you, as being a voracious reader I still find that only 50% of every book I read has valuable content and I am being kind. So let me give you a secret to extracting the best from a book or specific subject. Google the book title and in many cases if it is well known Wikipedia will give you the outline with a brief overview of all the key points. Next you will more than likely find articles on the book from the author basically condensing the key points. If is is a subject, with one hour you can read at least 10 periodicals that relate to a specific subject you are seeking to grasp better.

So in conclusion make a list of 10 subjects that if you knew better would dramatically improve key areas of your life. Then take one day a week and commit to spending an hour researching and reading using the tips above. I also like to write my key points on a legal paper with the subject at the top. One hour later I have a greater grasp of the subject then 95%.

I hope this helps you as much as it has helped me other the years.

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