Friday, December 28, 2012

Intentional Living

"You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight". Jim Rohn

Where is it you want to end up with your life, dreams, career and relationships? I did not ask where are you this moment but where do you want to go. You can change your direction today.

Monday, December 17, 2012


John Maxwell says "The Law of Diminishing Intent says the longer you wait to do something you should do now, the greater the odds that you will never actually do it."

Do what you least want to do first today so you build your priority action muscles.

Monday, December 10, 2012

The Unstoppable Force - MOMENTUM

“The tipping point is that magic moment when an idea, trend, or social behavior crosses a threshold, tips, and spreads like wildfire.”    Malcolm Gladwell Tipping Point
Law of Momentum     John Maxwell 
Great leaders create momentum     Great leaders harness momentum
How do you get momentum?
·      Cast a vision
·      Get a win  (start with a small win or sure win)
·      Applaud it  (make a big deal out of it)
1.    When you have momentum you don’t worry about small problems they work themselves out.
2.    Momentum makes leaders look better then they actually are  (coaches )
3.    Momentum helps followers perform better than they are  (1980 USA Hockey)
4.    Momentum is easier to steer then to start   (waterskiing)
5.    Momentum is the most powerful change agent
6.    Momentum is the leader’s responsibility to start
7.    Momentum begins inside the leader  (vision, passion, enthusiasm, and energy)

“You cannot kindle a fire in any other heart until it is burning within your own”

Monday, December 3, 2012

Re-Set Your Companies Vision

“Our (Amazon’s) vision is to be the earth’s most customer centric company; to build a place where people can come to find and discover anything they might want to buy online.” Now that is an ambitious vision for a company! What is even more amazing is I think they have done it. I thought amazing was a good take on words, you know Amazon- Amazing. Ok back to this. Have you revised your vision statement for your company in the last 3 years? Do you even have a vision let alone a vision statement for your company? A vision statement for a company focuses on the potential inherent in the company’s future. Let me make it simple, it is what the company wants to be. When you read Amazon’s it is clear what they want to be “the earths most customer centric company”.  This ambitious vision statement will force them to take certain actions to accomplish this vision.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Accelerate your Dreams, Goals and Plans!

The great accelerator to your plans are counselors (partners).

Without counsel plans are frustrated but with many counselors they succeed."     Solomon

Saturday, November 24, 2012


Small disciplines repeated with consistency every day lead to great achievements gained slowly over time.

What are your daily disciplines?
These will be the building blocks are your successes.

Do something each day that bring your closer to who and what you want to be. These habits may be difficult at first but in time they will be routine.

Mistakes are progress

"A mistake is simply another way of doing things"   Warren Bennis

Many people do nothing because of the notion that they may make a mistake or their effort may not be perfect. Just do something today and this week regardless of a potential mistake. It was Edison who I hear failed 10,000 times before getting the light bulb right. I recently watched a biography on James Dyson, the inventor the of the Dyson vacuum, who said he has experiments fail over 5,000 times getting his original vacuum right.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Believe Your Can!

"When you believe and think "I can," you activate your motivation, commitment, confidence, concentration and excitement - all of which relate directly to achievement."
-- Dr. Jerry Lynch

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Successful People Talk To Themselves!

"Evidence is conclusive that your self-talk has a direct bearing on your performance."
Zig Ziglar, Motivational Speaker    

What do you say to yourself? Begin the habit of speaking positive affirmations each day.  Speak positive outcomes before the actual events.

My person self-talk is:
I seek to listen and never interrupt.
Money comes easily to me.
I expect to be successful today

Each month my self-talk has a different focus.
Give it a try!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Do something today

"We cannot do everything at once, but we can do something at once."    Calvin Coolidge, 30th U.S. President

Successful people do something daily that brings them closer to their goals.  It is these little steps that create 365 actions and with 365 actions things always come closer to reality.  Sean Castorina

Take action everyday!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

You can count on me

Dependable?  Worthy of trust

Thoughts to consider:
Are you capable of being depended on?
Are you reliable?

Your incapable of leading yourself, let alone an organization if people cannot depend on you.
This means you do what you say you will do at the time you say you will do it every time without fail.

Action to take;
Commit to writing down commitments you make so you can check off when they have been met.

Monday, November 5, 2012


"Luck is what happens when preparation meets." -- Darrell Royal

What opportunity are you daily preparing for with action steps?

Monday, October 29, 2012

Broaden your passion

    Have your lost your passion for your business? It happens and can happen to anyone. If your business succeeded beyond its current level what passions could your participate in. It is possible the business itself does not burn the way it once did but success can allow you to have new passions. (golf , traveling, back to school, philanthropy). 

Thursday, October 25, 2012


What is Respect- admiration, esteem, reverence, high opinion

6     Ways Leaders Gain others’ respect
  1. Natural leadership ability    want to follow you
  2. Respect for others     When leaders show respect for others- especially for people that have less power or a lower position then theirs—they gain respect
  3. Courage
  4.  Success- accomplishments
  5. Loyalty
  6. Add Value to others    
   Key Point:      You cannot lead people that do not respect you!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Expect Greatness

"It is the nature of man to rise to greatness if greatness is expected of him. "
-- John Steinbeck, author 

Expect greatness in yourself and encourage and facilitate greatness in others. 

Monday, October 8, 2012

Start Dreaming Again

Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions.

The man who has no imagination has no wings.

When is the last time you dreamed big and let your imagination run wild? If you have no limits what would you accomplish?

Monday, September 24, 2012

Daily Preperation

Joe Frazier:  Former Heavy Weight Boxing Champion
You can map out a fight plan or life plan. But when the action starts , you ‘re down to your reflexes. That’s where you roadwork shows. If you cheated on that in the dark of the morning, you’re found out now under the bright lights

Preparation will reveal itself. It is amazing how lucky comes to those who prepare. What will do each day to prepare yourself for the success you are seeking?

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Find a niche

Figure out where your niche is in life, and go after it 100%.    John Elway, NFL Hall of Fame Quarterback

Finding a niche in the marketplace can separate you from you competitor. Example; Never Dark Generators found an electrical niche. People do not like going without electricity so they solved the problem. Maybe your business should look hard for a niche.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Try something

"You miss 100% of the shots you never take."
-- Wayne Gretzky, Hockey Great        

It shocks me when I am in conversation with older people who share great ideas they had that they never followed through with. According to my dad, a mechanic for 35 years he came up with the quick oil change idea. Needless to say he did not follow through on it.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Think Big

"As long as you're going to be thinking anyway, think big."
Donald Trump, Real Estate Magnate

Are your dreams and ideas to small? If you had no limits what would you want your company to look like? Do not limit your goals and ideas!

Monday, August 20, 2012


1               Why

Sounds simple but do you know why you are going into business in the first place?  This questions and its answer will be your motivator in difficult times.  To be totally motivated by the idea of making a lot of money rarely is the reason that leads to success.  Make sure you believe there is a great need for the service or products you will be providing.  It also helps to have intangibles that you are presently not getting at your current employment, such as, schedule flexibility, better income for you knowledge level, opportunity to build a team.  The list can go on and on but make sure you have one that you can refer back to.