Monday, February 18, 2013

This One Secret Will Get More Production From Your Employees and Costs Nothing

Everyone is trying to get the most out of people who work for them. I recently read where people in sales spend more then 1/3 of an 8 hour workday wasting time and being un-productive. How you can you get more from your staff? The secret is what you say to them. Do you encourage them?

I read in John Maxwell’s 25 Ways To Win With People that Psychologist Henry H. Goddard conducted a study on energy levels in children using an instrument called the “engograph.” His findings are fascinating as he learned that tired children when given a word of encouragement/ praise or commendation – the engrgraph would show an immediate surge of energy. What was also concluded was that when children received criticism or discouragement this same instrument showed their energy took an immediate nosedive.

What does it take to encourage? Nothing more then words that compliment, affirm someone’s good work or qualities or maybe a physical pat on the back with nothing more than “it is great having you here today”.  How expensive is the words “good job” or ‘that was great input”. Yes, these words cost nothing but gives energy and with energy more production and an atmosphere that creates group momentum.

We all know Henry Ford, but we may have never heard of him had it not been for the encouraging words of Thomas Edison, who when he heard of Ford’s plan to build a car with a gasoline engine remarked with enthusiasm while hitting his fists on a table in excitement. “You’ve got it. A car that has its own power plant; that’s a BRILLIANT idea.” Up to this point Ford had only been told it could not be done but the great inventor with his simple encouragement energized Henry Ford who would later remark, “I thought I had a good idea but started to doubt myself. Them came along one ofthe greatest minds that’s ever lived and gave me his complete approval.”

Let’s encourage TODAY!

Friday, February 8, 2013

I am average but rich and these 2 habits worked for me

We make getting rich way to hard. Forbes Magazine recently released its annual list of the “400 Wealthiest Americans.” It’s quite an impressive list. It takes a minimum of $1.1 billion in personal wealth to be included. Collectively, these 400 people have more than $1 trillion in total assets. But the most impressive thing about the list is that 70% of those on it created their own wealth. That’s right they started with nothing more than an idea that they took action on.
Ideas flow from input and silence. Input meaning what you are exposing your mind to. Are you reading great books, meeting new people with fresh views or taking classes that give greater knowledge?
Ideas grow out a stimulated mind. Your intuition or “still small voice” speaks and is heard in silence. When is your world silent? Set aside time daily to expose your mind to idea starters -then put you mind in a quite place so it can hear and respond.  Keep a journal where you write ideas down. These ideas if looked at often will grow with many sub points of support bringing the idea into reality. Sometimes the ideas will also just go away with no follow up insights which is also helpful.
Think 70% of America’s wealthiest people had an idea that they took action on. Yes the next step is action.  When a great idea has presented itself write it at the top of a sheet of paper then list everything that would have to take place for it to become a reality. You will find it typically shows many steps -but all doable. Good news, even if you don’t end up in the Forbes 400 ,you will be far ahead of where you are today.